Quiz Night
13. 5. 2016 Autor: Romana Vančáková On Wednesday evening 11th May 2016 six teams, made up of a mix of students and teachers, went head to head in the first ever MUP pub quiz night held at the Travellers’ Club Arabic Restaurant. The quiz was put together and hosted by the Department of Foreign Languages and attracted students from Anglophone Studies, International Relations and European Studies, International Business, and Media Studies, as well as several Erasmus students.The teams answered questions on a variety of topics from literature to politics to movie quotes. After a spirited quiz, and a whole lot of fun, team Tabula Rasa won the competition narrowly edging out runner-up Wonder Team. The winners were awarded meal vouchers for the restaurant and cashed in on the victory afterwards. A great time was had by all and partakers expressed interest in doing more pub quizzes in the future. So please join us next time!
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