African Ambassadors and other diplomats visited Metropolitan University Prague to debate with students
1. 6. 2016 Author: Tereza Němečková The heads of seven African diplomatic missions accredited in the Czech Republic kindly accepted the invitation, extended by the Department of International Business, to participate in a discussion with students on the topic of "The Prospects of Africa".Preparations began early in the day. The event was held in the attic conference room and many things, including refreshments, floral decorations, and specialties from African countries needed to be prepared. Around half past two a group of about 10 students from the International Business programme met at the entrance to the building to welcome the distinguished guests and escort them to the event.
The Ambassador of His Majesty the King of Morocco, Her Excellency Mrs. Souriya Otmani was the first guest to arrive. Mrs. Otmani is currently the Dean of the Prague African Group of Ambassadors (there are ten of them at the moment). Her Excellency was also behind the whole idea of hosting such an event at MUP. After Her Excellency, the rest of the guests started to arrive - Ambassador of the Republic of South Africa, Her Excellency Mrs. Franki Verwey, Ambassador of the Republic of Ghana, Her Excellency Mrs. Sabah Zita Okaikoi, Ambassador of the Republic of Sudan, His Excellency Mr. Ahmed Abdel Rahman Swar El Dahab, Ambassador of the Arab Republic of Egypt, His Excellency Mr. Abderahman Salaheldin, Counsellor of the Ambassador of the Republic of Tunisia, Mr. Foued Abdelkarmi, and Chargé d'affaires a.i. of the Democratic Republic of Congo, Mrs. Albertine Milebwe Kabambi. The Rector of MUP prof. PhDr. Michal Klíma, M.A., Ph.D. and the founder of the University, Mgr. Anna Benešová, as well as other guests from several MUP departments attended the event.
After the welcome speeches, all of the distinguished guests commenced with presenting their countries and clarifying the biggest problems and challenges their countries face. As soon as the speeches were finished, the students took the lead and started a lively debate. The topics discussed concerned various issues, e.g. territorial disputes, the economic sanctions, or the issues of ownership and nationalization of natural resources in Africa. Representatives of embassies also kindly answered questions regarding the African Union and cooperation within the framework of the so-called “South-South Axis” i.e. the cooperation between developing countries and many more.
The entire event was held in a very friendly atmosphere, to which the openness of the guests and interesting questions from the students contributed significantly.
To conclude, on behalf of the Department, I would like to express our gratitude not only to the guests for accepting our invitation to come to MUP and hold a discussion with our students, but also to the students and our colleagues from other departments for creating such a pleasant atmosphere. Last but not least, I would like to thank the University management for allowing the event to take place and for their support in getting it done.
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