Roundtable on Brexit: Situation after Deadline of Negotiations
18. 4. 2019 Author: Tereza Smejkalová Department of Anglophone Studies organised a roundtable discussion on Brexit and the situation after deadline of negotiations. Panel discussion with high distinguished panellists dealt with the possibility of new referendum, its consequences on the EU and the UK, negotiation strategy of the EU, including the Czech Brexit Policy and the special case of Gibraltar.Panelists agreed that Brexit will be a long-lasting process due to polarized British political scene but also due to the EU negotiation strategy. A new referendum could be a solution but it could also harm the EU. Panellists were Doc. Mats Braun, Ph.D. (MUP), Gerald Power, B.A., Ph.D. (MUP), Ing. Vit Beneš, Ph.D. (MUP), Prof. Bořivoj Hnízdo, Ph.D. (MUP), Mgr. Monika Brusenbauch Meislová, PhD. (Masaryk University), discussion moderated PhDr. Tereza Smejkalová, Ph.D. (MUP and Anglo-American University).