Transnational Training, Education, and Knowledge Exchange in Revolutionary Cuba

11. 3. 2025 Author: editors Dr. Katerina Brezinova, a head of the Iberoamerian Center of Metrpolitan University Prague, is just back from the University of Cambridge’s Newnham College. Along with Tanya Harmer from the London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE) and Emily Snyder from University of Cambridge, Dr. Brezinova has organized there a two-day international conference: "Transnational Training, Education, and Knowledge Exchange in Revolutionary Cuba." (March 7-8, 2025)

The conference reunited a group of experienced and junior scholars from Cuba, the UK, Spain, Germany, Australia, the US, the Czech Republic, Hungary, and France like Mervyn Bain from University of Aberdeen; UK Reinaldo Funes, Professor of History at the University of Havana, Cuba; Cary Aileen García Yero, Scholar Associate of the David Rockefeller Center for Latin American Studies at Harvard University; Daniela Spenser, the John Simon Guggenheim fellow and professor at the Centro de Investigaciones y Estudios Superiores en Antropología Social in Mexico City, and others. Great debates & wonderful insights.